We will be leaving next week for Lagos. Many last minute items that need to take place before we depart. I am thrilled to say that our visas arrived on time. I love our travel agent! Afrique Travel located in Dallas. Yes, I am shamefully giving them an advertisement seal of approval. The latest challenge has been with the airline luggage policy. As of May 5th, passengers are allowed one free check in luggage at 50lbs and two carry on bags. Extra luggage will now have the fee of $150. Crazy!!! Because we purchased our tickets before April 2nd, we will be allowed two free 50 lbs bags. International flights will now count a child's stroller as a carry on, so now I am debating not taking one because we need to use the carry on luggage. Every inch of luggage space will be utilized to the fullest.
Hey Tammy, I just want to wish you well and safe traveling. I look forward to your stories. I know they wiil be great. You are in my prayers for a safe and fun time.
As the mother of a former toddler, I hate to suggest this, but maybe you can do without the stroller - especially since they count it as a carry on.
Besides, if Esther Rose gets tired, TK can carry her. That's why he goes to the gym, right?
Stay safe and healthy - have a wonderful adventure.
We (Hoang, Luc, and I) will check in regularly to see how things are going.
Happy Trails!
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