Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Visa and travel shots anxiety

This past week has been finalizing all shots for everyone. Word to the wise when preparing a four year old for shots, 24 hours is enough advanced notice. Anymore time will cause mental anguish. Thank GOD my daughter was current on immunizations and just needed two. It was sad to watch my child for the first time run underneath a chair when the {three} nurses came into the room. You think they would have forseen my daughter's reactions . She recovered quickly, but then again I had to spend two hours at the McDonald's play area as a token for surviving. As for myself, I needed only three shots and one oral medication in place of a shot (Yeah)! The travel clinic was very helpful and informative. There is a shortage with several international shots such as the "yellow fever". Our guest was very close to not getting one and these shots are not cheap.

VISA DRAMA!!!! It's cutting it very close being 22 days away from the trip to apply for a visa. Since 9-11 there has been numerous changes when going abroad, and the Embassy of Nigeria has now gone on-line (yeah Nigeria, Drama for me). Our travel agent guranteed visa in five days, but the cost $215 which was $65 more then doing it ourself. I would strongly suggest to purchase tickets at least 2 months ahead and apply for visa one month ahead. Now it is just the waiting game for the visa and I hope the travel agent comes through on their word.

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